A blog post a day, keeps the cobwebs away.

September 17, 2010

That’s what they say. They, of course, being the proverbial pros.

Every day or at least close to it? Goodness. I don’t know that I have something thought-provoking and interesting to write about every day. Well, thankfully there are those pros out there who are ready and willing to help you (and me) out. And what better way to give pointers on blogging every day than by writing a blog post on how to blog everyday?

There are some common sense tips, like read something new and talk with people every day. If you don’t do this you probably won’t be a very interesting person in general, so all the better a reason to take these up as daily activities.

But there are some unexpected tips in there as well. For example, get the post up fast not perfect. This is a tough one, particularly for those of us in the marketing and communications realms who are used to only letting the final, reviewed, revised, and approved copy go out the door. Looks like I’ll be resisting the urge to close this and revisit it tomorrow before publishing.

And mix things up by writing guest posts for sites that aren’t like yours. Again, this may pose a challenge to those of you who are used to writing only about a topic that you have expertise on. Or if you are constantly tasked with putting the polish on the copy points provided by the expert. But once you get your bearings, branch out and feel free to dazzle some else’s followers as well.

Personally, my favorite recommendation is to be ok with falling back onto the occasional “best of” post. I’m not exactly in a position to do that just yet, but keep your eyes peeled for it in the future… it is, after all, best practice!

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